Thursday, January 23, 2014

7 Quick Takes - Vol. 8 - Roe-ing, Litigating, Mama-ing, Resoluting, Kung Fu Panda-ing, and Disney-ing!

Well, these takes may not be “Quick”, but they are meaningful (in the sense that I’m not just sharing “cool things that I’ve read” as I do with a lot of my takes).  So, here they are – 7 Quick Takes on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the complexities of litigating a case (probably a yawn!, but I find it interesting and it is my blog, after all), my sweet and caring boys, a New Year’s Resolution check-in, Kung Fu Panda 2, and Disney, Disney, and more Disney!  Heck, I had so much content for these takes that I even had to do an overflow post to cover

A Kid Week in Review

Okay, so I was typing up my 7 Quick Takes for the week, but realized I have waaaaaaaaaay too many cute kid moments for one set of takes.  Hence, this post.  It is moments like these that rock my mom-world, so I had to document them.  And, heck, I’m sure you’re hankering for them?  Right?  (Don't answer that.)  So, who am I to deny you?  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

7 Quick Takes - Vol. 7 - Gospel, Endless Law, The Sky, Rapping, Praying, Phoning, and Disney-ing

As I mentioned last week, I’ve decided to theme the first three takes each week as follows: Catholic.  Lawyer.  Mama.  Catchy, right?  J  Here goes.

CATHOLIC take: One of the things I try to do on a daily basis is read the Gospel reading for the day.  I subscribe to Notre Dame’s Faith website (FaithND), and so I receive the daily Gospel readings and reflections (along with info on the saint for the day) in my email inbox each morning.  The reflections are short, so I can manage them along with the Gospel; and, since I can’t make it to mass each day, it’s a great way to stay in touch with the Church on weekdays.  Highly recommend! 

Anyway, last Wednesday,

Forgive Me My Sins (and Vanity)

Warning: This Blog Post contains content that some readers may find disturbing, namely vanity and sarcastic humor.  (Oh, and, lest I forget, #firstworldproblems.)  Translation: I know this content is not very Catholic (or law/mom-related), but it’s on my mind, and I hope you will forgive the momentary lapse (and all of the angst-filled parentheticals and ellipses that go with it).  Viewer discretion advised. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

7 Quick Takes - Vol. 6 - Order, Laughter, Social Conventions, and Milestones

I like organization (read: I’m neurotic).  And themes (read: I was a writing major in college).  In fact, I LOVE them!  But, as the mother of three under 5 with a busy career, I also like a bit of the random (read: chaos).  So, with that in mind, I’ve decided to “theme” three of my quick takes each week.  My life is probably 3/7ths of the way organized at any given time, so that ratio makes sense.  And since I

Thursday, January 2, 2014

7 Quick Takes - Vol. 5 - Advent and Christmas Moments 2013

Okay, so I may have taken December off from blogging, but I definitely didn’t take December off from enjoying my amazing children and the endless humor they bring to my life.  So start smiling because these “moments” will definitely brighten your day! 

Getting Back on the Horse . . .

Well, let’s just say it was an abysmal December for blogging.  For me blogging, that is.  Abysmal, as in an abyss.  An empty abyss.  Hollow.  Void.  Absent.  Cricket . . . cricket . . .

Now, that it’s the New Year, and I’ve proceeded to make a bunch of resolutions (some of which I actually hope to keep, maybe . . .), I’m planning to see more of you all.  (I know, I know, you can’t contain your joy!!!  . . . I’ll interpret your silence as acknowledgment.)