Friday, August 29, 2014

Onward and Upward

It has been three months since I have written for this blog.  During that time, I have done a ton of thinking and praying.  My husband and I have done a lot of discerning.  In that process, I have come to accept that, while my ideals are important in an aspirational “never stop improving” sense, it is equally important that I accept myself, my family, my career, and my life in the moment.  Because, in a larger sense, I only have each moment, one moment at a time, and there is no guarantee that I will ever get another moment.  Wasting my moments with disappointment over “what might have been” or “what I wish could have been” is not productive.  It is not the way to live life, build relationships, raise children, and support a family.  Most importantly, it is not the way to reflect Jesus in my life.  Better to celebrate and make the most of the days, hours, minutes, and moments we have, irrespective of what “could have been”.  Time to move onward and upward.

As a practical matter, my husband and I have come to the conclusion that the “extremes” I had considered pursuing are just not feasible.  Not now, at least.  That picture may look different in a month, 6 months, a year, two years, or maybe never, but definitely not yet.  The right moment has not come for change.  Onward and upward.

So . . .  now that we have that established, it is time that I do what I set to do with this blog --- document my life, my family, and how I try to balance it all.

It has been a busy summer for us. 

In birthday news, my two-year-old turned three, and my baby turned one.  I know that, sometimes (especially on the hard days of parenthood), it can seem like they will be this little forever.  And then a birthday sneaks in and suddenly I realize that’s not quite true.  I have found that birthdays, when viewed as a mom, are both happy and sad occasions for that reason.  Bittersweet.

In milestone news, my baby started to walk (and climb!) in June.  Oh my!!!

By far, I think this is his favorite milestone because he can participate more actively in what we are doing and (almost) keep up with his older brothers! 

He is so proud of himself. 

And, as his mama, his pride is my pride is his pride, you know what I mean?  Gosh, I love him to pieces!

Other Summer News: We underwent a major home renovation (new flooring throughout and a new, relocated .kitchen).  By “construction standards”, it was considered a fast renovation, but we still ended up moving in with my parents for a month.  All five of us.  Into another house.  With my parents.  For a month!  Yes, it was just as crazy as you would imagine it to be.

But we are back home now, and our house is much improved.  When my husband and I purchased the house a few years back, we “rescued” it from post-foreclosure neglect.  It was in rough shape.  We always knew we would have to do the floors and the kitchen, but other projects were more pressing, and we settled for just cleaning everything up.  Four years later, it was time. 

Honestly, I’m just so relieved that it is done.  In the event that I ever can make a lifestyle change, this project was one that would have posed a major problem.  Now, it is behind us.  So, yes, onward and upward!

Of course, one major home improvement project opened the floodgates to lots of little projects for my hubby.  Everything from new paint to adding wainscoting to the dining room to hanging new light fixtures in the hallway to fixing up the laundry room.  It all turned out beautiful, but man . . . that was a heckuva lot of ambition for one summer!

Now, that summer is over, my older boys are back in school.  My three-year-old started his first year in Catholic school.  And, gosh, I’m just beyond thrilled that he has joined his older brother (the four-soon-to-be-five-year-old) at this wonderful school.  Makes my heart sing!

So, that’s the word from the home-front.  All good things.  Even though I complain (unfortunately a lot of which wound up posted in this blog back in the Spring), I really live a wonderful life.  I hope you all had a wonderful summer!!!

I took this picture while exiting the expressway on my home from work earlier this summer.  As I was in motion (shhhhhh . . . don't tell anyone), I couldn't believe that I snapped the photo right at the perfect moment.  God finds ways to give us peace amidst the stress of discernment, doesn't he?  :)

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